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me laughing in Austin, TX

Did you know JOY is one of the most powerful and yet totally under-utilized emotions? Let's bring more joy into your life!


I have always loved to laugh and discovered that JOY is one of my gifts!  A very, very big gift that I know is my obligation to share. I am a certified  Laughter Yoga Leader and I have the incredible honor of sharing joy and laughter worldwide.  


Laughter Yoga is an amazing exercise combining deep yoga breathing, gentle movement, and laughter without jokes. It's easy, it can be done by anyone, and the health benefits are massive! Plus it's SO. MUCH. FUN!!!


Contact me to learn more and to bring Laughter Yoga to you - either 1:1 in-person or virtually, OR to your organization, retreat, school, hospital, family gathering, literally anywhere. Because not only is laughter universal..but laughter heals and that's a fact!


Read more about Laughter Yoga, Laughter Yoga University, and it's founder,  

Dr. Madan Kataria, here




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